The Event AD Campaigns That Reach More People

Tired of your event being a ghost town? We at AST feel your pain. Every event deserves a crowd, that’s why we craft killer ad campaigns to make yours the talk of the town. We’re not just talking fancy tech, although that’s our secret sauce.

We use real data to get your event in front of the people who matter most, at the exact moment they’re ready to jump in. We turn up the volume on your event, so it gets the attention it deserves.

We Go Heavy
on The Marketing

As part of our digital marketing services, we target a specific audience who is interested in relevant events. This helps to reach people who are more likely to attend and engage with your event.


Audience Targeting

The first step in our event marketing process is identifying and targeting a specific audience that is interested in events like yours.


Multi-channel Promotion

This includes utilizing social media platforms, email marketing, influencer partnerships, and other digital advertising channels.


Content Creation

We also create compelling content to show your event and entice people to attend including, eye-catching visuals, informative videos, and engaging copy.

66% More Tickets Sold Per Event

10, 000 Leads That Convert 80% of The Time

“Selling tickets to our event was a struggle until we partnered with AST for event advertising. Their targeted approach and creative ad campaigns helped us reach a wider audience, resulting in a sold-out event. We couldn’t be happier with the results!

Our Event Ad campaigns
can help you by


Increasing ticket sales and revenue.


Creating buzz and excitement around your event.


Reaching a wider audience through targeted promotion.


Standing out in a crowded market of events.


Providing detailed analytics to measure the success of your ad campaigns.

Our Collaborative Event Powerhouse Partners Help Ensure Your Dream App

Want to Kick-Start Your Event?

Contact us today to discuss your vision and how we can help make it a reality.