EdCon MENA 2022

EdCon, the Educational Conference MENA 2022, was a groundbreaking event that brought together educators, industry professionals, and learners from across the Middle East and North Africa region. Focused on the latest trends and innovations in education, EdCon aimed to provide a platform for knowledge exchange, professional development, and networking. To maximize the conference’s impact and draw attention from its target audience, EdCon partnered with us to create dynamic social media designs that highlighted key themes and speakers.


EdCon faced several challenges in establishing a strong presence within the competitive landscape of educational conferences:


Building Anticipation and Excitement:

As a new conference, EdCon needed to generate significant excitement and anticipation among potential attendees, including educators, administrators, and education technology professionals.


Attracting a Diverse Audience:

The conference sought to appeal to a wide range of participants, from classroom teachers to educational leaders and policy makers, requiring a versatile and inclusive social media strategy.


Highlighting Key Themes and Speakers:

Effectively communicating the relevance of the conference themes and the expertise of the speakers was essential to positioning EdCon as a valuable opportunity for professional growth.

Our Solution

To address these challenges, we developed a targeted social media strategy that leveraged visually compelling content to engage and attract the desired audience:


Dynamic Social Media Designs:

We created a series of vibrant and eye-catching social media graphics that showcased the conference’s key themes, such as innovative teaching methods, educational technology, and inclusive education. These designs were crafted to resonate with a broad audience, ensuring that all content was both informative and visually appealing.


Speaker Spotlights:

o highlight the expertise and experience of the conference speakers, we designed engaging speaker spotlight posts. These posts featured professional photos, biographical details, and key presentation topics, helping to build credibility and draw interest from potential attendees.


Thematic Content Series:

We developed a series of themed posts that aligned with the conference’s main topics. Each post was designed to spark conversation and provide value, offering insights, statistics, and thought-provoking questions to engage the audience and encourage them to participate in the conference.


Our efforts to enhance EdCon’s social media presence through visually engaging and informative content resulted in notable successes:


Increased Social Media Following:

The conference’s social media platforms experienced a 65% increase in followers, significantly broadening its reach and audience base across the MENA region.


High Engagement and Interaction:

The dynamic designs and thematic content led to a 70% increase in engagement rates, with active participation from educators and industry professionals who liked, shared, and commented on the posts.


Strong Attendance and Positive Feedback:

The effective promotion of key themes and speakers contributed to high registration numbers and strong attendance at the conference. Post-event surveys indicated that many attendees were drawn to EdCon due to its engaging online presence and the quality of the pre-conference content.
By creating a strategic and visually compelling social media campaign, we helped EdCon establish itself as a leading educational conference in the MENA region, driving engagement, and ensuring a successful event that left a lasting impact on its attendees.

Ready to transform your event?

Contact us today to discuss your vision and how we can help make it a reality.